Thank you for your interest in Kitchens for Good’s programming! Please only submit ONE (1) application. Once submitted, our team will contact you within 7 business days via email or phone to discuss your application.

Applications are closed for April 2024 cohorts. Applications submitted now will be processed for May, June, and July 2024 cohorts.

Please note that if you change your email address or phone number after you submit your application please email with your FULL NAME and your updated contact information. If we do not have updated contact information, we will be unable to connect with you to discuss your application.



ELIGIBILITY (check all that apply)

Approximate Household Income:
Please note that “income” includes wages, salaries, tips, commissions, self-employment, interests, dividends, social security retirement, SSI, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, welfare programs, pensions, VA (Veterans’) payments, unemployment, and child support.